FIFTY SHADES OF GREYHOUND is on tour with Great Escapes, and I’m so excited to host Sparkle Abbey on my blog today!
Hi Traci,
Thanks so much letting us stop by your blog. This is our first blog tour and we’re very excited about it. Your series sounds like so much fun and we’ve added Limoncello Yellow to our TBR list! Because your book sounds like it fits in the same category as ours, we thought your blog readers might enjoy hearing about how we came up with the series.
The new book, Fifty Shades of Greyhound continues the saga of Texas cousins, Caro Lamont and Melinda Langston, who live and work in the uber pet-friendly community of Laguna Beach, California. Caro is a pet therapist who works with problem pets (mostly problem pet parents) and Mel owns the exclusive Bow Wow Boutique.
Previous books in the series include:
Desperate Housedogs
Get Fluffy
Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
As you can tell from the titles these are very dark, serious books. Not.
We came up the idea to write the series because a well-respected literary agent told us we needed to have a “hook.” What she meant was there needed to be a clearly identifiable theme to the books. Such as a cooking, knitting, or scrapbooking. Simple, right? The problem was neither of us had any of those talents. So we thought and thought. We knew if we were going to focus on a theme, it had to be something we really cared about. We love our families but somehow didn’t think they’d like to be the focus of our mystery series.
Finally we realized there was something else we were both passionate about. Our rescue pets! We came up with characters. We brainstormed titles. We pitched the idea to Bell Bridge Books and they asked to see it. The result was a four-book deal for those first titles listed above and that was followed by a two-book contract for the next two.
We have had so much fun writing this series and the fun continues with the next book in the series, The Girl with the Dachshund Tattoo in fall 2014.
ABOUT Sparkle Abbey
Sparkle Abbey is the pseudonym of mystery authors Mary Lee Woods and Anita Carter. They write the bestselling pet mystery series which features whodunits set in Laguna Beach, CA in the wacky world of pampered pets, precious pedigrees, and secrets. They chose to use Sparkle Abbey as the pen name on this series because they liked the idea of combining the names of their two rescue pets – Sparkle (ML’s cat) and Abbey (Anita’s dog).
They love to hear from readers and can be contacted via their website: www.sparkleabbey.com
You can also find Sparkle Abbey online at:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/sparklesbbey
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sparkleabbey
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/sparkleabbey
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/sparkleabbey
YouTube: www.youtube.com/sparkleabbey
And monthly on the following blogs:
Paws to Read: http://www.sparkleabbey.com/category/blog/
Killer Characters: http://www.killercharacters.com/
The Stiletto Gang: http://thestilettogang.blogspot.com/
FOLLOW the FIFTY SHADES OF GREYHOUND Tour and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway! Rafflecopter giveaway
May 15 – Mystery Playground
May 16 – Kelly P’s Blog
May 17 – off
May 18 – off
May 19 – Thoughts in Progress
May 20 – rantin’ ravin’ and reading
May 21 – Michelle’s Romantic Tangle
May 22 – Traci Andrighetti’s blog
May 23 – deal sharing aunt
May 24 – off
May 25 – off
May 26 – Community Bookstop
May 27 – Books-n-Kisses
May 28 – Brooke Blogs
May 29 – off
May 30 – Melina’s Book Blog
June 4 – Queen of All She Reads
This sounds like such a fun series. And the title and pen name are a hoot! 🙂
Thanks, Jennifer
A friend is a big fan of gray/grey hounds. I forwarded a link to her, because this sounds like great fun.
Yip Tuck is my fave title. OMG, that’s friggin’ hilarious. Thanks for giving me so many more books to add to my TBR mountain. Geez! I need to invest in my own forklift.
Sounds fabulous.
Love this series, and the titles are always great–but I think this one tops them all! Have fun on your blog tour, but don’t forget that we’re all anxiously waiting for the next in the series, too. No pressure. LOL!