


USA TODAY Bestselling Authors Traci Andrighetti and Diana Orgain have teamed up to create LemonLit to offer writing retreats and mentoring to authors.

Why lemons? Because limoncello.

Drawing inspiration from Italy’s large, sweet lemons, their goal with LemonLit is to teach you how to work through the difficult processes of writing to produce your best book and get it published.

They offer annual writing retreats:

Genova, Boccadasse, Monte Carlo, and Portofino (Summer, 2020)

Rome, Bologna, and Florence with a Naples option (Spring, 2019)

Amalfi Coast with a Rome option (Fall, 2018)

Visit LemonLit.com for more information. Work with Traci and Diana, and your book project will bear big fruit!


Mystery Mastery Classes

Want to add mystery to your life? Then write one! USA TODAY Bestselling Author Traci Andrighetti will show you how to plot, outline, and write your novel. Or, if you already have a manuscript lying comatose on your computer or dead under your bed, she’ll help you revive it with life-giving edits.


Traci will teach you how to plot, outline, and write the first three chapters of your mystery in her SavvyAuthors class Master the Mystery Novel! in January of 2020.


“This was by far and away the most productive—and FUN—writing course I’ve ever taken! Traci is the perfect mentor—inspiring, encouraging, funny and so talented! I came to this course with nothing but an idea, and left with a detailed chapter outline for the whole novel. I can’t recommend it enough!” –Vicky

“This was such a great class. Traci is a fantastic instructor, who is wonderful about answering every last question and passing on information in her lectures and answers that actually work to make your writing better. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend one of her classes, workshops, or mentorship programs to anyone who wants to write a better mystery.” –Linda

“Great class for motivation as well as instruction. I’d recommend the class heartily to anyone looking for motivation, accountability, and practical tips for writing a mystery novel.” –Robin

“I’ve taken multiple writing classes over the years, but Traci’s mentor class took me further in the mental approach toward writing than I’ve ever been. I’m writing instead of just wishing I was writing.” –Lisbeth

“I’ve been working on a mystery novel for several years without making much progress. While I was debating whether to give up on it or give it one more try, I  saw Traci Andrighetti’s Master The Mystery Novel! three-month mentoring class listed on Savvy’s site and decided to enroll. And what a difference the class has made. Thanks to Traci’s attention, patience, encouragement, and helpful comments, I’m well on my way to completing my mystery. I’m so impressed with her and her teaching methods that I’ve signed up for her Edit Your Mystery Novel! class. Whether you’re just beginning your mystery or, like me, hoping to finish one that has been haunting you, you won’t go wrong taking Traci’s class.” –Gwynne

“This workshop was worth every penny. Traci goes above and beyond, not just teaching how to do an outline plot for a mystery novel but also helping with brainstorming, characterization, red herrings and more. The weekly chats were extremely beneficial and she creates an atmosphere of comradery where classmates help each other with our stories. I cannot recommend this workshop enough.” –Lynn

“Just like to thank Traci for all the hard work she put into the Master the Mystery Novel class. I learned to use Hangouts—after a couple of false starts. I listened to Traci and other mystery writers talk ‘writing’ and ‘marketing’ and everything mystery-related. I made new friends with the same interests. And Traci read and commented on my first five chapters. Try getting that out of any other online class!!!! My only complaint—3 months wasn’t long enough. I wanted it to go on forever :)” –June


Email Traci at traci@traciandrighetti.com to discuss your project. It will be fun (and mysterious).