Boutique du Vampyre & a Secret Vampire Speakeasy

Crazy news!

On Saturday, May 19, I’ll be signing copies of Campari Crimson at BOUTIQUE DU VAMPYRE in New Orleans’ French Quarter from 3 until 6 p.m. After the signing, there is a 7 p.m. meet and greet followed by a reading at a SECRET VAMPIRE SPEAKEASY.

If you’re wondering how this happened (and whether I’m a vampire), here’s the backstory:

While writing Campari Crimson, I wanted a creepy-sounding French Quarter shop that the psychic Chandra Toccato could pop out of while Franki’s walking down the street. I did some research and was psyched to find that one of the shops is vampire themed like my book.

I then visited Boutique du Vampyre on two subsequent trips to NOLA—the first time to ask whether it was okay to mention the boutique in the book, and the second to show a friend the funny stuff they sell (a vampire rubber duckie, a coffin-shaped handbag, a power drink in what looks like a blood bag, etc.). To my surprise, while I was in Italy in March, the owner tracked me down on Facebook and said that she liked Campari Crimson so much that she wants to permanently sell it in the boutique! And that led to the signing and meet and greet.

Now, THIS IS WHERE THE STORY GETS GOOD. In February, I actually went to the secret speakeasy (Don’t worry, I’m not a vampire!). If you engage the shopkeeper in a conversation, she’ll hand you an intriguing slip of paper with a single sentence and the name of an old bar—and you know I love a mystery! So, I went to the bar, and I said the sentence to the bartender. A woman appeared and led me out back to a gnarly old door. She unlocked it (without a word!) to reveal a red staircase and a “CAUTION: VAMPIRE DANGER ZONE, DUSK TO DAWN DAILY” sign. So I climbed the stairs…

If you want to know the rest of the story, and there are some surprises, meet me on May 19. I promise I don’t bite!

P.S. I’ll be giving away these bookmarks that I made (with my husband’s graphic assistance)!


Boutique du Vampyre & a Secret Vampire Speakeasy — 3 Comments

  1. Where is the shop? My wife and I are going to New Orleans for or honeymoon the day after Halloween this year. We have heard of it but your article helped me find it:) We will of course purchase something from the shop as it looks really cool. Thank you in advance for your help. I will also purchase a copy of your book as I am intrigued:)

    Best Regards,
    Patrick Desmond

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